On Thursday, January 29th, The White House withdrew OMB Memo M-25-13 and its order to freeze grants, loans, and other financial assistance programs. Students will receive financial assistance without interruption. Read more about the update here.

Budget Concerns

Budget Concerns

Budget Concerns

We want to be sure that you have the ability to cover your expenses while you are attending school. Therefore, if you feel like your budget doesn’t match your expenses, please let us know. Some examples of situations where you may feel as though you don’t have enough aid budgeted could be:

  • Housing Expenses
  • Child Care Expenses
  • Health Insurance Costs
  • Book Expenses that exceed the budgeted amount

Budget adjustment forms for some of the items listed above can be found on our forms page. If you do not see a form that fits your needs and it is listed above, please email us regarding that expense. Please be aware that an increase in your budget may result in additional borrowing eligibility. We ask that you make careful budgeting decisions to not have to increase borrowing if necessary.