On Thursday, January 29th, The White House withdrew OMB Memo M-25-13 and its order to freeze grants, loans, and other financial assistance programs. Students will receive financial assistance without interruption. Read more about the update here.

Covenant Alumni & Community

About the Covenant Alumni & Community


The Carolina Covenant Community has a wide and deep scope of supporters that make success for our scholars possible. Over the past twenty years, the Carolina Covenant has produced over 8,000 graduates, worked with more than 100 faculty and staff mentors, and partnered with hundreds of individuals who give their time and resources to support our students. See below for alumni and community partnerships – we hope you’ll want to get involved! Please email us at carolinacovenant@studentaid.unc.edu for more information.

Tarheel Alumni


Meet the Alumni Advisory Board (AAB)

Headshot of Charles Hands III.

“I made a vow that I would support the Carolina Covenant Scholarship Program after receiving so much support from it. The professional help from Carolina Covenant along with its frequent community-building activities is a huge part of my successful time at Carolina as a first-generation university student.”

Charles Hands III ‘14
Co-Chair of the AAB
Charlotte, NC

Headshot of Blake Morgan.

“The beginning of my freshman year at UNC was the first moment in my life I felt like things were going to work out because of the financial aid I received from Carolina Covenant. What I did not understand as a student is that Covenant is not just a financial aid scholarship. It is a community of caring people who are always ready to support you, whether you are a student trying to manage stress while navigating a rigorous degree program or an alumnus searching for a fulfilling career.”

Blake Morgan ’15
Co-Chair of the AAB
Laboratory Analyst
Orange Water and Sewer Authority, Carrboro, NC

Headshot of Maribel Borger.

“I am eager to be on the Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) for Carolina Covenant because my love for this program did not stop once I graduated. I am hoping to leverage my enjoyment of bringing people together to strengthen the Covenant alumni network that includes over 8,000 graduates.”

Maribel Borger ‘14
Chemistry Professor
UNC-Chapel Hill

Headshot of Alisa Eanes.

“The Carolina Covenant changed the direction of my life. It allowed me to imagine things for my future that I previously had not considered, including choosing medicine as a career. I was able to redirect the time and energy I had previously devoted to making the ‘ends meet’ into creative thought and joy for learning.”

Alisa Eanes ’08
Marion, NC

Headshot of Brian Woodard.

“As a first-generation college student, navigating UNC-CH as a transfer student was overwhelming and intimidating. The mentors I received from the Covenant would listen to my concern, encourage me, help clarify information, and remove barriers to my academic progression…I want to give back and help current students navigate UNC-CH through enrollment, graduation, and in their careers.”

Brian Woodard ’09
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions and C-STEP
UNC-Chapel Hill

Headshot of Amaya Martinez.

“The Carolina Covenant gave me access to the potential I didn’t know I had. As a first-generation and out-of-state transfer student, Covenant made me feel welcomed and supported beyond the financial means by offering me academic guidance and psychological support when I needed it the most.”

Amaya Martinez ’17
Medical Student
UNC-Chapel Hill

Headshot of Tyler Haugle.

Tyler works with our Covenant Scholars and Bonner Leaders Program in promoting local community service work. He works as a Housing and Community Services Coordinator for the town of Carrboro, NC, working to provide person-centered support, financial education, and asset building tools to individuals experiencing homelessness or financial insecurity.

Tyler Haugle ’21
Housing and Community Services Coordinator
Carrboro, NC

Headshot of Shelby Sugierski.

“I am one of the many Covenant students who didn’t have anyone in my family or network who could give me advice on how to best take advantage of my college years…Covenant gave me a warm, inviting network of folks at UNC who were on my side from day one and who offered resources and opportunities beyond what I would be able to discover on my own or access without being a Covenant scholar.”

Shelby Sugierski ’14
Development & Fundraising
Portland, OR

Headshot of Andrea Barnes.

Andrea Barnes ’18
Innovation Fellow
Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab, Washington, DC

Headshot of Bradley Lauck.

“Navigating higher education as a rural first-generation student was a daunting challenge. As a Covenant student, I found a home at Carolina and also a guiding hand of encouragement and support when I needed it the most…As an Alumni Advisory Board member, I am excited to work with the current Carolina Covenant Scholars and to give back by serving as a mentor, especially to those interested in pursuing careers in medicine.”

Bradley Lauck ’22
Medical Student
UNC-Chapel Hill

Alumni Advocates

Our Alumni Advocates form an accomplished network of previous Covenant Scholars who seek to provide support and guidance to students and other alumni. These professionals help ambitious individuals by answering questions about internships, field experiences, job applications, and more. Advocates engage with the Carolina Covenant through a multitude of mediums:

  • Being a Connection for Scholars
  • Attending Covenant Events
  • Joining the LinkedIn Community
  • Volunteering to be a Speaker
  • Sharing their Story
  • Participating in Mock Interviews

To gain access to our directory of Alumni Advocates and find the right connection for you, please contact Ann Trollinger.

Go to the Alumni Advocates Directory

Alumni Advocate and Advisory Board Co-Chair Blake Morgan ’15 (left), Rameses the Ram (center), and Associate Director for Alumni Engagement Ann Trollinger (right).


Headshot of Ann Trollinger.

Get involved!

The Carolina Covenant Program and the Alumni Advisory Board (AAB) will work together over the academic year to explore possibilities for how Carolina Covenant alumni and other alumni of the University can contribute to these efforts. We look forward to sharing updates as they become available. If you are interested in getting involved as an Alumni Advocate, please contact Ann.

Connect with Ann Trollinger

Campus and Community Partners


Four Covenant mentors holding awards.


Carolina Covenant Mentors

Our mentors provide Covenant Scholars with guidance, encouragement, and support to make the most of our university. From choosing a major to applying for research experiences and graduate school, our mentors help make our students’ goals a reality.

Covenant scholars and liaisons.


Carolina Covenant High-Impact Liaisons

Our liaisons provide influential connections for our Covenant Scholars in admissions and student support across our professional schools and high-impact programs.


A Covenant scholar with donors.

Carolina Covenant Partners and Donors

We are grateful for the support of our entire university and the individuals who give time, talent, and resources to make our Covenant a reality. If you are interested in supporting our students and our program, we’d love to hear from you.

Connect with the Carolina Covenant Team

Help fund the Carolina Covenant

Need to get in touch?

Drop-In Hours

Monday – Friday:

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Covenant Office Location

SASB North #3227