Net Price Calculator

Net Price Calculator

Before You Begin

The below calculator is used to provide an estimate based on the information you enter. As a reminder you will still need to be sure to apply for aid, as this does not serve as your aid application(s).

Special Enrollments

If you will be enrolled for a single semester (such as incoming students in Carolina Global Launch, fall graduates, etc.), please note that this calculator is based on attending an institution and receiving financial aid for two full semesters (fall and spring). The information isn’t accurate to provide an estimate for just the one single semester you would attend Carolina. When congress passed legislation updating federal financial aid rules, they did not put in a provision to modify a family’s expected contribution (now called the Student Aid Index or SAI) to the student’s length of enrollment if that student only receives financial aid for one semester in the academic year. While we are hopeful they will pass an amendment adding this provision, it has not yet been done. Please contact us for additional information if you have questions.